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[SAP 공인] SAP HANA Installation & Operations

SAP 공인과정

  • PS적용
교육시간 09:00~18:00 [5일 / 35시간]
교육비 회원사 : ₩2,790,000원 (1사 2인이상: ₩2,790,000원/인)
일반사 : ₩3,096,000원 (1사 2인이상: ₩2,790,000원/인)
환금액 (예정) 고용보험 비환급
교육장 .
교육담당자 전승희 / 02-3786-0772 / jsh90325@kmac.co.kr
송민수 / 02-3786-0178 / hollymounts@kmac.co.kr


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이전 다음


  •  SAP HANA 2.0 데이터베이스 설치 및 업데이트를 학습합니다.
  •  SAP HANA Cockpit 설치 및 구성을 학습합니다.
  •  SAP HANA Cockpit을 이용한 SAP HANA 시스템 관리 작업을 학습합니다.
  •  SAP HANA 2.0 데이터베이스 시작 및 중지, 컨피규레이션 변경, troubleshooting 을 학습합니다.
  •  SAP HANA 2.0 데이터베이스 백업 및 복구를  학습합니다.
※  본 교육과정은 기업/기관 맞춤형 교육(In-house)으로 온라인·오프라인 형태로 협의 운영 가능하니 문의바랍니다.

교육일정 및 내용

일시 세부내용
00월 00일
09시00분 ~ 18시00분

SAP HANA Introduction
•SAP HANA Introduction
•SAP HANA Information Sources

Installation Preparations
•SAP HANA Sizing
•Linux Operating System Requirements

SAP HANA Installation
•Introducing SAP HANA Lifecycle Management Tools
•Describing Advanced Installation Options
•Explaining a Distributed System

SAP HANA Architecture
•SAP HANA Architecture and Technology
•SAP HANA Memory Management and Data Persistence

00월 00일
09시00분 ~ 18시00분

SAP HANA Cockpit 2.0
•Introducing SAP HANA Cockpit 2.0
•Installing SAP HANA Cockpit 2.0
•Configuring SAP HANA Cockpit 2.0
•Updating SAP HANA Cockpit 2.0

SAP HANA Scenarios and Deployment Options
•Describing SAP HANA Roadmap and Scenarios
•Identifying Deployment Options

Post Installation Tasks
•Performing Post-Installation Steps
•Updating SAP HANA
•Using the Resident SAP HANA Database Lifecycle Manager (HDBLCM) Tool
•Using SAP HANA Interactive Education (SHINE)
•Explaining the Revision Strategy of SAP HANA

00월 00일
09시00분 ~ 18시00분

Administration Tools
•Explaining the Administration Tools
•Using the HDBSQL Command Line Tool
•Working with the DBA Cockpit
•Managing SAP Landscapes
•Using SAP HANA Studio

Database Administration Tasks
•Starting and Stopping SAP HANA
•Configuring the SAP HANA Database
•Performing Regular Database Administration Tasks
•Configuring Traces
•Working with Diagnosis Information and Diagnosis Files

00월 00일
09시00분 ~ 18시00분

Database Administration Tasks
•Using the SQL Console
•Performing SAP HANA Table Administration
•Transporting Changes

Backup and Recovery
• Explaining Backup and Recovery
•Performing Data Area Backup
•Configuring a Log Area Backup
•Describing Additional Backup Topics
•Performing Database Recovery
•Explaining Backup and Recovery Using Data Snapshots
•Explaining Database Copy

00월 00일
09시00분 ~ 18시00분

•Describing Security Functions
•Explaining Encryption
•Describing Auditing

Maintaining Users and Authorization
•SAP HANA Authentication and Authorization
•Types of Privileges
•Administrative Tasks
•Information Sources for Administrators

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