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[IT전문가_보안자격] CompTIA CASP+ 자격증 취득대비

사이버 보안에서 고급 기술 수준의 실무자를 위한 실습 성능 기반 인증을 통한 해당 정책 및 프레임 워크에서 솔루션을 구현할 수 있도록 설계

  • PS적용
교육시간 09:00~18:00 [5일 / 40시간]
*맞춤형 교육 별도 문의
환금액 (예정) 고용보험 비환급
교육장 .
교육담당자 전승희 / 02-3786-0772 / jsh90325@kmac.co.kr
송민수 / 02-3786-0178 / hollymounts@kmac.co.kr


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부문별 당월교육

이전 다음



★ CompTIA CASP+ 자격증을 취득할 수 있다.

- 운영 및 아키텍쳐 개념과 기술 및 요구사항을 포함하는 엔터프라이즈 보안 도메인을 알 수 있다.

- 데이터를 해석하고 비즈니스 목표를 달성하기 위한 사이버 보안 요구를 예측할 수 있다.

- 모바일 및 기타장치의 소프트웨어 취약성 보안을 강화할 수 있다.

- 클라우드 및 가상화 기술을 보안 엔터프라이즈 아키텍처에 통합할 수 있다.

- 블록체인 및 모바일 장치의 암호화 기술구현을 할 수 있다.

※  본 교육과정은 기업/기관 맞춤형 교육(In-house)으로 온라인·오프라인 형태로 협의 운영 가능하니 문의바랍니다.

교육일정 및 내용

일시 세부내용
00월 00일
09시00분 ~ 18시00분

Risk Management

Summarize business and industry influences and associated security risks

Compare and contrast security, privacy policies and procedures based on organizational requirements

Execute risk mitigation strategies and controlsAnalyze risk metric scenarios to secure the enterprise

• Risk management of new products, new technologies and user behaviors

• New or changing business models/strategies

• Security concerns of integrating diverse industries

• Policy and process life cycle management

• Enterprise resilience

• Analyze security solution metrics and attributes to ensure they meet business needsand so on

00월 00일
09시00분 ~ 18시00분

Enterprise Security Architecture

Analyze a scenario and integrate network and security components,

concepts and architectures to meet security requirements

Analyze a scenario to integrate security controls for host devices to meet security requirements

Analyze a scenario to integrate security controls for mobile and

small form factor devices to meet security requirements

Given software vulnerability scenarios, select

appropriate security controls 

• Physical and virtual network and security devices

• Application and protocol-aware technologies

• Advanced network design (wired/wireless)

• Trusted OS (e.g., how and whento use it)

• Enterprise mobility management

• Security implications/privacy concerns

• Wearable technology

• Application security design considerations

• Specific application issues

And so on

00월 00일
09시00분 ~ 18시00분

Enterprise Security Operations

Conduct a security assessment

using the appropriate methods

Analyze a scenario or output, and select the appropriate tool for a security assessment

Implement incident response and recovery procedures

• Methods

• Types

• Network tool types

• Host tool types

• Physical security tools

 • E-discovery

• Data breach

• Facilitate incident detection and responseand so on

00월 00일
09시00분 ~ 18시00분

Technical Integration of Enterprise Security

Integrate hosts, storage, networks and applications into a secure enterprise architecture.

Integrate cloud and virtualization

technologies into a secure enterprise architecture

Integrate and troubleshoot advanced authentication and authorization technologies to support enterprise security objectives

Implement cryptographic techniques

Select the appropriate control to secure communications and collaboration solutions 

• Adapt data flow security to meet changing business needs

• Standards

• Interoperability issues

• Resilience issues

• Technical deployment models

(outsourcing/insourcing/managed services/partnership)

• Cloud augmented security services

• Security advantages and disadvantages of virtualization

• Vulnerabilities associated with comingling of hosts with different security requirements

• Data security considerations

• Resources provisioning and deprovisioningand so on


00월 00일
09시00분 ~ 18시00분

Research, Development and Collaboration

Apply research methods to determine industry trends and their impact to the enterprise

Implement security activities across the technology life cycle

Explain the importance of interaction across diverse business units to achieve security goals 

• Perform ongoing research

• Threat intelligence

• Global IA industry/community

• Systems development life cycle

• Software development life cycle

• Interpreting security requirements and goals to communicate with stakeholders from other disciplines

• Provide objective guidance and impartial recommendations to staff and senior management on security processes and controlsand so on

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